22 Questions to Ask Your IT Provider

What every business owner must know about hiring a trusted, responsive & cost-effective Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP)

Choosing an MSSP Isn't Easy

Migrating your operations to the cloud can be intimidating, especially if you don't know much about the cloud or MSSPs.

There are numerous public and private cloud providers, each with their own services, applications, and tools. If you don't know what to look for, chances are you won't make the best sound decision for your company.

That's why we wanted to provide you with this e-book as a type of guide to help you navigate through the process of choosing a provider that fits your specific business.

In this guide you will learn:

  • 22 tips to help you differentiate between a good & bad MSSP.
  • 4 costly misconceptions business owners have about MSSP's.
  • Modern ransomware, hacking and phishing scam tactics.
  • 5 mistakes to avoid when choosing an MSSP.
  • Why “cheap” or “lower price” MSSP’s aren’t actually a bargain.

How to Know a Provider Truly Knows Your Industry

If you work in a highly regulated industry, you need a provider that prioritizes compliance and security.

Many MSSPs make vague statements about their benefits and features, focusing more on gaining clients than addressing specific needs. That's why it's crucial to use the information in this report.

Even companies in the same industry have unique challenges and requirements that can make one cloud service provider a better fit than another. When faced with similar service offerings from two providers, the question becomes, "How do I know which one is better?" The struggle often lies in not knowing what to ask.

Our guide aims to show you not only what to ask but also what to look for in a reliable provider. The goal is to give you a baseline for evaluating the quality of service and effectiveness when considering or researching prospective providers.

Need an IT partner to get you started on your compliance requirements?